How to Win an Argument (According to Science)

Winning an argument isn’t easy. Even if you have the best points, it can be difficult to get the edge if you lack experience debating. The human personality is a complex thing, and to win an argument means not just knowing your case but how to put it across.

We all know somebody who likes to make things difficult. From topics in the news to important stuff at work, they stubbornly refuse to listen. Sometimes it’s okay to let it pass, but winning an argument from time to time is good for your confidence and for the flow of knowledge. If only you could make them see things your way!

The art of winning an argument is an ancient one – and today it’s backed up by scientific research. For example, we know that simply asking an opponent to explain their logic can make it fall right apart.

It also has a lot to do with your own physiology. Look at the power of posture: standing up straight can give you confidence, while a more aggressive stance can make your opponent defensive and resistant to your point of view. Take a deep breath before you start arguing and concentrate not just on your words but how you say them.

Our new infographic provides a thorough guide to winning an argument, whatever the scenario. You can give your superior knowledge the back-up it deserves with these simple tips.

The important outcome is a sense of progress and not always winning an argument. But for those occasions when victory means everything, it is helpful to have some serious debating skills!


How to Win an Argument Every Time (According to Science) Infographic

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Expert – Psychology Professor at UC-Irvine: Peter Ditto.
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